Michael Nadar

A creative director par excellence, Michael is the agency's magician when it comes to anything art and design. In his trademark calm demeanour, he will quietly transform a creative brief into a piece of art.

Mahesh Salgaonkar

Briefs do not faze him, and deadlines do not intimidate him. With three decades of experience under his belt in varied parts of the continent, Mahesh has an instinctive knack of simplifying challenges that look rather imposing to other creative people. Enthusiastic, inspiring and frank to a fault, he wears his seniority so lightly that you would be amiss in forgetting his years if not for the streak of greys on that wise head.

Hemant Rathod 

Finance Heads are known to be serious. Not Hemant. Always up for a fun chat, jokes and impromptu leg-pulling sessions. A wizard when it comes to numbers and the business-related areas at Underdog. There's a rumour that his spectacles have magical powers.

Gopal MS
Gopal wears multiple digital disguises on the world wide web from where he has not logged out for 25 years. His memories exist in the cloud, stored as words and images that he downloads as needed for inspiration when crafting ad copy.

Ramesh Gawde

Ramesh doesn't speak much, probably because his work speaks loud and clear at all times. With his quiet demeanour and his calm presence, he makes everything much easier than it seems. When he is not behind his computer, he can be found sketching, doing illustrations or just regaling everyone with his goofy smile. 

Sakshi Chavan

Sakshi thrives to create visually appealing art and uses her illustrations as a means to communicate the brand identity to its target audience. She loves talking (and eating too) about food and caries a huge smile around.

Deepti Parekh

Deepti Parekh

Deepti enjoys writing and solving brand problems with creativity. Her goal in life is to wipe out the phrase 'post copies' from the face of the earth.

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